by mode, class and 'size'! Thanks to Bendix Carstensen!
lls <- function (pos = 1, pat = "")
dimx <- function(dd) if (is.null(dim(dd)))
else dim(dd)
lll <- ls(pos = pos, pat = pat)
cat(formatC("mode", 1, 15), formatC("class", 1, 18),
formatC("name",1, max(nchar(lll)) + 1), "size\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n")
if (length(lll) > 0)
for (i in 1:length(lll))
cat(formatC(eval(parse(t = paste("mode(", lll[i],
")"))), 1, 15), formatC(paste(eval(parse(t = paste("class(",
lll[i], ")"))), collapse = " "), 1, 18), formatC(lll[i],
1, max(nchar(lll)) + 1), " ", eval(parse(t = paste("dimx(", lll[i], ")"))), "\n")
A very handy little function but I did a slight modification to order output by class (see below). Thanks for the very helpful blog!!
RispondiElimina#ls() improved!
#from One R Tip A Day by Paolo
#This marvelous little function shows all objects in the current workspace
#by mode, class and 'size'! Thanks to Bendix Carstensen!
lls <- function (pos = 1, pat = "")
dimx <- function(dd) if (is.null(dim(dd)))
else dim(dd)
lll <- ls(pos = pos, pat = pat)
#jack's mod
class.get <- function(x){class(get(x))}
lll2 <- lapply(lll, class.get)
a <- order(unlist(lll2))
lll <- lll[a]
cat(formatC("mode", 1, 15), formatC("class", 1, 18),
formatC("name",1, max(nchar(lll)) + 1), "size\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n")
if (length(lll) > 0)
for (i in 1:length(lll))
cat(formatC(eval(parse(t = paste("mode(", lll[i],
")"))), 1, 15), formatC(paste(eval(parse(t = paste("class(",
lll[i], ")"))), collapse = " "), 1, 18), formatC(lll[i],
1, max(nchar(lll)) + 1), " ", eval(parse(t = paste("dimx(", lll[i], ")"))), "\n")
You're welcome! Thanks for your useful contribution, I really appreciate it!
RispondiEliminaThis is really cool!!! :)) love it!!