venerdì 14 settembre 2007

Plotting two or more overlapping density plots on the same graph

This post was updated.
See this thread from StackOverflow for other ways to solve this task.

plot.multi.dens <- function(s)
junk.x = NULL
junk.y = NULL
for(i in 1:length(s))
junk.x = c(junk.x, density(s[[i]])$x)
junk.y = c(junk.y, density(s[[i]])$y)
xr <- range(junk.x)
yr <- range(junk.y)
plot(density(s[[1]]), xlim = xr, ylim = yr, main = "")
for(i in 1:length(s))
lines(density(s[[i]]), xlim = xr, ylim = yr, col = i)
x = rnorm(1000,0,1)
y = rnorm(1000,0,2)
z = rnorm(1000,2,1.5)
# the input of the following function MUST be a numeric list
le <- largest.empty(x,y,.1,.1)
legend(le,legend=c("x","y","z"), col=(1:3), lwd=2, lty = 1)